Thrillist Visits Fromagination!

Thrillist Visits Fromagination!
Have a look below at the results!

In May, Fromagination had a visit from the travel and entertainment news source Thrillist.  That prompted us to do a Wisconsin artisan cheese “short-course” for our visitors.

Two of our cheesemongers, Shannon and Jeff, talked to the Thrillisters about “stories you can taste”…the animals, people, land and traditions behind our delicious cheeses.

We also demonstrated how to put together a cake of cheese for a special event, and assembled a cheese platter to discuss how to pair the cheeses with other foods.

Wisconsin produces lots and lots of cheese…as almost everyone already knows…but Fromagination tries to highlight the unique and interesting local creations for our many visitors.

One of the interesting soft cheeses on the cheese platter was Cambozola, a German creation that mixes Blue and Camembert cheeses.  Another on that platter was a Wisconsin sheep cheese, Ocooch Mountain, made from raw milk in a Gruyere-style by Hidden Springs Creamery.  Needless to say, we impressed the out-of-towners.

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