Create an Authentic Fondue Meal


Create an Authentic Fondue Meal class

6:30 – 7:30 p.m. / February 29, 2024 / Capitol Room, Park Hotel

This 60-minute class is designed to help you create a lovely fondue dinner at home.  You’ll get surefire tips from Fromagination’s owner Ken, along with alpine cheese shred, and cheeses that go into the fondue. We will first taste the cheeses and then make the fondue.  Learn what goes into a great fondue, and what to prepare to dip in your cheese.

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Create an Authentic Fondue Meal class

Note: All classes begin at 6:30 p.m.

Taught by a Fromagination staff person and other presenters

Call our business office at 608-255-2430, ext. 2 for more information about classes or see our Classes page.


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