Alina cheese
About Hill Valley Dairy
Hill Valley Dairy is focused on providing local cheese to the local community of southeastern Wisconsin. From the bottom-up, milk-to-market, Hill Valley Dairy’s cheese is meant to connect local people to local products.
After a few years of teaching, Cheesemaker Ron Henningfeld apprenticed at Babcock Hall (University of Wisconsin-Madison) while taking UW-Madison cheesemaking courses. His training continued at his first job at Uplands Cheese in Dodgeville and continued while working at Cedar Grove, emphasizing his understanding of food safety programs and cheesemaking. From there, he landed in Milwaukee as the manager and cheesemaker at the newly opened Clock Shadow Creamery. Over the next three years, Ron established his skills in the art and science of cheesemaking while getting a feel for managing a creamery.
After this training, Ron and his wife Josie started their family. Ron took a year and a half sabbatical to look after his daughter and develop the concept for Hill Valley Dairy, a business focused on building and sustaining the local community through cheese. In July 2016, Ron and Josie took the first steps, making and selling their cheese to East Troy and Burlington local markets.
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